Trilleen - Sailing around Britain Update
Ian Wyllie, who bought a boat via Boatshed IOW in February 2021 is taking on the challenge of sailing around Britain single handed. Here is his latest update:
Ian is slowly making his way along the West Coast of Scotland and managed to catch a strong south-easterly wind, which was too good to miss! He set off on a fully reefed Trilleen and although uncomfortable at times and with a little sea sickness along the way he safely arrived on the Island of Barra.
Read Ian's full blog - On to Barra

Want to find out more?
You can follow Ian and his trip at SailingTrilleen.org once stopovers are confirmed, they will be updating the website.
If you'd like to donate to the Andrew Cassell Foundation this can also be done via the website. All funds go directly to the the Foundation.
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